Spaghetti Salad cover art by Canva

Spaghetti Salad

I never tasted such good food.

by Doug Bayliss

Spaghetti Salad

to the tune of “Rubber Duckie,” arranged by Joe Raposo
Piano accompanist by Madeline

Spaghetti Salad, you’re the one,
You give my taste buds so much fun
Spaghetti Salad, I’m awfully fond of you

Spaghetti Salad, de-li-cious
And you’re even nu-tri-tious
I’ve decided that you’re the dish for me

Oh, there’s spice ya know, hidden deep in the flavor.
Wait what’s that, black and salty and, not one of my favorites 

A black olive

But as I nom, nom, nom nom-nom, 
and I nom, nom, nom some more
Spaghetti Salad, I’m awfully fond of…
Spaghetti Salad, I’m awfully fond of…
Spaghetti Salad, I’m awfully fond

Of you


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Doug “Keyboard” Bayliss
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